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My policies as your next VP Student Life

Hi Bisons,

If I get elected as your VP Student Life, I’m going to use my platform to advocate for issues that, in the past, haven’t had enough support or resources.



1. Making UMSU Actually Accessible to Students


UMSU represents over 30,000 students, but the real question is—how many of you actually engage with it? A lot of students don’t even step foot in University Centre, and an even smaller percentage care about what UMSU does. And that’s not your fault.


You pay for the UMSU pass, so you should know what UMSU is doing for you. You should know where to go if you have an issue, who to talk to, and what resources are available. The problem is, no one comes to you and tells you these things. No one says, “Hey, this is who we are, this is what we do, and if you need help with XYZ, come to us.” That’s why, if I’m in office, I’ll make sure:


  • You actually know what UMSU does and how it operates.

  • Resources on student advocacy are clear and accessible so you can fight for the issues that matter to you.

  • UMSU actively reaches out to students instead of waiting for students to come to them.


2. Addressing Food Security—Because Groceries Are Expensive

UMSU has a free breakfast program during orientation week, and every single time, hundreds of students show up. That says a lot about how bad the food crisis in Canada right now.


If I’m in office, I want to:

  • Expand free meal programs throughout the year, especially during midterms and finals.

  • Raise more funds for the UM Food Bank and break the stigma around using it.

  • Make it loud and clear: Food Accessibility is Human Rights.

3. Fighting for International Students

As an international student from Vietnam, I know firsthand how expensive and challenging it is to study here. We pay 4-5 times more in tuition than domestic students but don’t have the same access to resources. That’s unfair. I’m not asking for more privileges, just for things to be fair.


The moment I get into office, I will:

  • Get more legal resources for international students—housing rights, worker rights, tax help, and immigration paperwork (study permits, work permits, visas).

  • Push for more workshops with lawyers and immigrant service workers so students can get answers instead of navigating everything alone.

  • Make sure international students aren’t being scammed by employers who make them work unpaid or violate their rights.


Too many international students struggle with these issues alone. We need real support, not just a couple of links buried on a website.​


4. Mental Health Support—Improving the System


The biggest issue isn’t awareness, it’s access. The wait times for therapy are unacceptably long.


Right now, if you need to see a therapist, you:

  • Have to book an appointment (walk-ins aren’t a thing).

  • Can only book at 2:30 PM on Fridays, exactly one week in advance.

  • Have to pray you even get a slot.


That’s just not working. If I’m elected, I’ll work on:

  • Getting more resources from outside the school to shorten wait times.

  • Making sure students who need help ASAP aren’t stuck waiting for weeks.


Mental health isn’t something you should have to “wait your turn” for. When you need help, you should get it.


5. More Space for Student Clubs and Organizations


Student clubs are the heart of our community and deserve the support they need to thrive, but only a small number of them have access to designated space at UMSU. UMSU does have other spaces, but they’re either used for big events or left empty most of the time.


If I’m elected, I’ll:

  • Create a fair system where clubs and student groups can actually book and use available spaces.

  • Make sure all student organizations get the support they need, not just a select few.


6. Making Student Life More Affordable

College is already expensive, and on top of that, you’re paying a $300 UMSU fee every year. While I can’t change tuition, I can make student life less expensive.

If I’m in office, I’ll:

  • Bring more student deals, discounts, and perks from businesses.

  • Get brands and companies on campus to offer special services for students.

  • Expand free giveaways because sometimes, the little things make a big difference.



At the end of the day, student life should be better, not harder. More Resources, More Support, More for You!

Hannah Le
Candidate for VP Student Life

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